The Secret of Tata Power Share Price Target 2023,2024,2025,2030 

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Today in this article we will talk about Tata Power Share Price Target. And we will learn about the factors affecting this share price. And we will also understand how these factors affect your investment.

Stay connected in this journey of finding Tata Power Share Price Target.


Investing in the stock market can be profitable, but it requires a deep understanding of the many factors that affect stocks.

Today we will learn about Tata Power Share Price Target. In this article, we will go to the world of Tata Power, which is a leading Indian utility company. And will research the issues that determine the value of its shares.

Tata Power Share Price Target

The trend of this industry can be said by looking at the financial condition of the company.

We will try to provide you with the necessary knowledge and advice to make your investment decision easier.

Tata Power Share Price Target: secrets exposed

Tata power is a subsidiary of Tata Group. It is a large integrated power company in India.

Targeting the price of Tata Power to know the potential of investment returns can be a difficult task for an investor.

We will discuss the topic that impacts the Tata Power Share Price Target

Financial performance analysis

Whenever you target the share price of any company, including Tata Power, it is very important to research the financial performance of that company.

By observing some financial indicators, the investor can know the expected profit, economic growth, return potential, etc. of that company.

  1. company’s economic growth

If you know the economic history of any company, it is easier to know how this stock will perform in the future.

You should study the price graph of that share for at least the last 3-5 years,by this you can know when the share price has fallen or risen and also try to find out the reason for it.

  1. Profit Ratio of the company

 We can know the profit of the company from the profit ratio. Profit ratios like ROE and EPS indicate the ability of shareholders to earn profit.

To know the potential profit of Tata Power share price, the ROE and EPS of that company can be calculated from the annual reports of that company.

Suppose we talk about the last year of Tata Power Company (Financial Year 2022-23) of the company (Return On Equity)23.85.ROE up to 25% is considered a good factor in the stock market.

in the last 5 years EPS(Earning Per Share)Rate is also very good. EPS in March 2023 is 10.22.

  1. Debt to Equity Ratio

If the debt-to-equity ratio of a company is low then you can assume that that company is eligible for investment.

Debt to debt-to-equity ratio of Tata Power Company in the financial year 2023 is 1.60. This will automatically reduce as the profit increases.

According to the share market, this factor of Tata’s power share is a little more. If a company’s Debt to debt-equity ratio is between 1 to 1.5, then it can be considered good.

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Tata Power Share Price Target 2023

Tata Power share price was 221.70 in October 2022 and at the beginning of 2023, the share price fell to 211.85 in the month of January.

An increase in the share price has been seen since the month of May. Till October, there is a continuous increase in the share price.

In the last 2-3 years, due to an epidemic like Corona, there has been a big decline in the stock market, but now the market is going up gradually and is seen to be in a better place than its previous position.

Tata Power Share Price Target 2023
First Target260
Second Target275

If Tata Power share is compared with its other competitors, then this share is performing well in comparison to them.

Tata Power Share Price Target 2024

This stock has been giving good earnings to investors for the last few years. Seeing the same potential of the stock, we hope to give good returns in the coming year 2024.

If the Modi ji government comes again in the 2024 election, then the stock market will easily go up without any doubt, and then automatically the price of Tata power share will also increase.

Tata Power Share Price Target 2024
First Target320
Second Target340

For those who have bought and held shares of Tata Power, this stock will give good returns in the long term.

Tata Power Share Price Target 2025

The question of most people is that how much will the share price of Tata Power reach in the long term.

If you think that there will be good growth in the power sector in the coming days, then you can buy and hold shares of Tata Company without any hesitation. If not today then tomorrow, there is no doubt that these shares will give you 100% good returns.

Tata Power Share Price Target 2025
First Target435
Second Target460

We all know that we cannot depend on fossil fuels in the future, hence the government is also encouraging the companies to produce reusable energy.

Tata Power Company is also working on its different projects. In the upcoming days, Tata Power can emerge as a big green energy-producing company.

Tata Power Share Price Target 2030

 Any company, at the time of its inception, is aware of the company’s growth for the next 10-20 years; therefore, we investors have to think about our investment journey.

If an investor is investing for 10-20 years then he has to invest very thoughtfully.

Tata Power Share Price Target 2030
First Target1050
Second Target1150

If you want to invest for a long time then you can choose this power company of Tata.

Talking about 2030, Tata Power Share can recover by becoming a multibagger stock. This stock will give good returns to long-term investors.

Tata Power Annual Reports 

Tata Power Annual Report For Financial Year 2022-23

Tata Power Annual Report For Financial Year 2021-22

Tata Power Annual Report For Financial Year 2020-21

Tata Power Annual Report For Financial Year 2019-20

People also ask this

What will be the Tata Power Share Price Target in 2025?

If we talk about 2025, this Tata company will be seen working on many big plans. Due to this reason, we can see an increase in the share price in the coming 2-3 years. Tata Power Share Price Target can be around Rs 435 to Rs 460.

Can I buy Tata Power Share now?

Yes, you can still buy Tata Power Shares through any brokerage app. Since it is an energy production sector company, you will see an increase in its share price from one year to the next.


Today, we have told you about the future of Tata Power Share Price Target 2023,2024,2025,2030.

Tata Power company has been performing well for the last few years. The momentum of this share is bullish in the stock market. If you want to invest in any power company then you can list this company.

If you get even a little benefit from this article, then share it with your family members so that they can also get some benefit.

Note: In this article, we have mentioned the possibility of an increase in the share price of Tata Power Company. We do not guarantee it. We do not advise investors to buy this share or invest in it. Before making any investment, do your own research or consult a financial guide.

Whatever we mentioned above, the target price is not a fixed price. This price can go up or down due to some market conditions. This is only a possible value.

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